Thursday, December 9, 2010

A crane or two

This morning a large crane was unloading at least three large trucks with big loads for hospital construction.
My guess is that they were part of the air-handling system, but that is only a guess.
Today work was going very well on the footbridge--they really made a lot of progress.
Only some of the last of the three sections of the bridge is lacking boards.
A city worker told me this afternoon that the current plan was to lift this section into place late tomorrow morning. We will see if that happens--the schedule has changed constantly up to this point. Even if they get the main section in place, there will still be a lot of work to do before the bridge will be open to walkers.

1 comment:

  1. Not a comment on this, but does anyone know what is going into the old "Beaver News" building downtown? I saw that it has a sold sign on it and there seemed to be some folks cleaning up the interior as I drove by yesterday.


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