Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Real snowmen

I have resisted the temptation to do posts on Christmas decorations because I have done so many in the past, but this year people have decorated with real snowmen that may last till Christmas. I like the red scarf on the one below.
Is this supposed to be Mr. and Mrs. Snowman?
Here is a family, with carrot noses and  pair of sunglasses.
We did not get enough snow to have really big snowmen. When my kids were at home, they wanted to see how big and how tall they could get their snow creations.  This one is from 2002, taken with my first digital camera, capable only of 640 by 480 pixels. (I think they had to use a ladder to get the tower as tall as it is. They quit when it seemed that more height might topple it.)
And the one below is from December 2005. It was over six feet tall and took a really long time to completely melt.
So if any of you want to make big snowmen, I will not be impressed unless you can get them bigger then these.

Also, I mentioned the early morning runners yesterday. Here is a report from one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Love the expression on the snowman standing beneath the leaning snowtower.


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