Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Facebook, a link to the outside world

I found this video via the Morocco Times Facebook page, who found it via the Lake Village Indiana Old Photo page.

The video is of the 1957 homecoming parade for the Morocco Beavers. Most of it is not in focus, and there is no sound. It looks like almost all the grades from the school marched. I remember marching in homecoming parades in the 1950s as a grade school kid in Morton, Minnesota--it must have been pretty much like this parade. I do not remember football games, and only vaguely remember the parade.

I look forward to seeing more of these old videos--it seems that whoever has these old home movies is digitizing them and putting them on youtube.

Other things from Facebook, my source of news for the area: Road construction has ceased for the season in Wolcott, where they had closed the highway for a while. And Little Indiana has a neat giveaway of a train set. But do not enter it, because I want to win it. ;-)


  1. This is a fun addition to your pages. I like the fact you remember back when...

  2. Great old time video. I looked and looked but recognized nobody, even though I was around the area back in 1957. Thanks for posting it.


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