Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Snow progress on the bridge

After a lot of activity on bridge construction last week, this week has seen very little work. I took the picture below on Monday afternoon, and you can see that the snow from Saturday had not been disturbed. My guess is that the snow has diverted people to other, more pressing tasks.
This afternoon I checked again, and noticed some tracks on the north side of the river by the concrete pier. some metal plates had been welded onto the larger metal plates that were on top of the piers. I am not sure it the bridge will rest on them or between them.
The river itself it partially frozen over, which says a lot about the weather we have. Tomorrow morning it should have even more ice. It is 13 degrees now and the low tonight is forecast to be 7 degrees.
This morning I was up early and saw eight runners go past my house at 5:00 in the morning. It is probably smart not to run alone that early in the extreme cold. I was happy that I was not with them.

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