Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More Snow

I managed to get out for a short while today. It was very pretty--at least if you are not already tired of snow. I tried to console myself by thinking that my brother in Minnesota is dealing with feet of snow, not inches and my daughter was driving through mountain passes where you are not allowed on the road if you do not have tire chains. Another happy thought--we are past the solstice--the days will now start getting longer. (Of course we will not notice it for about six weeks--the days do not get much longer until then.)

If you are young, the snow is fun. I saw a little girl climbing every snow mountain she could find. However, I did not see a lot of other kids out and about.
 And the court house was beautiful with the dusting of snow on its roof.
The are lots of beautiful displays of Christmas lights if you take the time to appreciate them.

OK. Time to get back to work.

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