Monday, December 20, 2010

Cafes, here and gone

I stopped in Jamie's Cafe and Banquets last week to see what it looked like. It has a simple decor with a simple menu and friendly staff.
 There is a room off to the side that is the banquet part of the operation. A reason that the cafe is only open until 2:00 is that the afternoons can thereby be used to prepare for special events such meetings, parties, and wedding rehearsal dinners.
I do not feel qualified to review food, but Little Indiana gave it a favorable review.

The logo of the cafe looks like someone's rendition of unicode 2615. (Blogger does not seem to support unicode insertions.)

I do not think Little Indiana ever did a review of the Los Tres  Garcias restaurant that until recently was serving meals a bit east of the SR 114 and I-65 intersection. I took some pictures two years ago, in December 2008, intending to post something about them, but I did not get a photo of the exterior of the place. I thought I would get a shot of it, but never did, so never posted. They did serve very generous portions, but never seemed to be extremely busy.
The reason I did not take a shot of the exterior was that it was getting dark. Instead I took this picture of the glowing sky.
I do not like the cold, but even more than the cold, I dislike the snow-packed streets. We need a few days of warmer weather to clear the streets.

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