Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Art Show Feb 2011

The high school art exhibit is showing in the Core Building Lobby at SJC. I am not sure what I can add from the last year's show--like that one, some of the work is good, some not so good.

I have been working with typefaces for the past few months, so this one caught my eye.
 I have also done a few fonts of pointing fingers, so I recognize the source of this pictures, though I do not what it was supposed to be showing.
I think I have an early case of spring fever. I am having a hard time getting motivated to do much, even to do the several things that are higher on my list of priorities than posting here. Expect short posts until I stumble on something that I find interesting, or until I get over this bit of early spring fever.

(I saw a herd of tractors heading south on College a day or two ago, but did not get a picture. It was part of FFA week at the high school. I missed it last year and missed it again this year. Maybe next year I will actually get a picture.)

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