Thursday, February 3, 2011

Return to normal

We had a bright sunny day today with little wind, just the right sort of conditions to help everyone dig out from the storm. Stores were open again, and there was a lot of traffic on the highway. The garbage and recycling pickups resumed, with the Wednesday's missed routes being rescheduled for Friday. And the post office delivered the mail. Tomorrow the Rensselaer (and North Newton) schools will have a two hour delay, and hopefully the county roads will be plowed so that the delay will not turn into a cancellation.

Speaking of school, this was the sidewalk along College by Monnett Elementary School. It was nice that the school cleared the sidewalk--there are not a lot of cleared sidewalks, so pedestrians have to walk in the street in most places. What I thought was most interesting about it was how neatly the snow blower had deposited the snow to the left.
I know, I am easily amused.


  1. Neatness is amusing in this context. It is soooo straight.

  2. It is great to see the school taking care of the sidewalks. Schools in Indianapolis took an extra day off because even though the roads and the rest of the city were clear and able to resume business, the schools were not able to get to their parking lots and sidewalks.


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