Wednesday, February 2, 2011

End of the storm?

I took another stroll around town this afternoon, almost 24 hours after the snow started. It was still snowing, and there were occasional scenes like the one below, which shows a car.
Overall, though, we seemed to have gotten less snow than was promised. It is very hard to measure because the wind distributed it very unevenly. It seemed to be about a foot of snow.

Someone found a way to make a snowman from it. It never was warm enough to make snowmen the traditional way.
Downtown was empty, as almost all the businesses took the day off. The snow plowing had made all the roads I saw passable, and often had cleared them to the curbs. I expected to see snow piles on the sidewalks downtown, but there were none. The city must have moved the snow. There was a snow blower downtown clearing the sidewalks. In fact there there a lot of snow plows and snow blowers everywhere in town cleaning up.
The wind kept snow from accumulating on roofs. Below is the duplex under construction that I mentioned last week. It now has most of a roof.
There were some places the wind piled the snow rather than cleared it. Slice of Pie Pizza had a lot of snow on its awnings.
It could have been a lot worse.

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