Monday, February 14, 2011

Snow piles

Not only have we have had a lot of snow this winter but the snow has remained because there have been so few days during which the temperature got above freezing. The result is mountains of snow piled around parking lots all around town. The warmup forecast for this week should result in major reduction in these piles by this time next week.

Below you can see some of the piles at the west end of Walnut Street.
The 5/3 parking lot was similar to a lot of other parking lots with its piles of snow.
The pile between Charlie Roberts and PNC bank probably received snow from both sides.
The CVS pile was the most impressive in the downtown area.
Brookside Park had huge piles of snow, but these piles were enhanced by snow brought in from the downtown.
The pile was almost as high as the new JC Cruiser Park Shelter.
Maybe next week there will be people sitting in this bench by the playground equipment in Brookside Park.
Chad's Weather Blog says we are getting false spring this week, not real spring. There will be more snow and cold before real spring arrives. At this point I am be happy for any kind of spring. How about you?

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