Thursday, March 24, 2011

A bit about you

As the author of this blog, I have access to some statistics that google keeps. Almost all the viewers of this blog live in the U.S, with a total of 49568 pageviews from May 2010 until March 2011. Germany is a distant second at 1253. 74% of visits are using Windows and 21% Macintosh. 1% are other Unix, 1% Linux, and 1% iPad. Other platforms are all under 1% and include iPhone, iPod, Blackberry, Samsung, and Palm. Internet Explorer is the most popular browser, with a 49% share, followed by Firefox (26%), Safari (16%), Chrome (6%). All others are under 1%.

The most viewed post was Shopping at Autozone (684 views), followed by Sandhill Cranes (283) and Shopping at CVS (237). The top referring page is Gene Chambers. (Thanks, Gene.). Top referring sites are Google (11342) followed by Bing (1012), Yahoo(703), and Facebook (564).

I suppose there is something useful I can get from these data, but I do not know what it is.

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