Monday, May 16, 2011

Bulk pickup results

I hardly mentioned bulk pickup this year because I thought I had written enough last year. However, it was actually in 2009 that I had multiple posts on it. The city had a short summary of the statistics for the week on it website. (It is a pdf file that I downloaded a couple days ago, but cannot find now.) Here is a bit of it that tells how much trash they moved:

• Trash Tons: 173.76
• Trips to Landfill: 21
• Brush: 28 loads; 78.28 tons
• Yard Waste/Grass: 18 loads; 44.37 tons
• Tires: 20
• Appliances: 6
• Electronic Recycle Pieces: 203 (Televisions, Computer Monitors, Towers, Copiers, Printers)

The last bullet is listed as Electronic Recycle Pieces. This is the first year the City of Rensselaer implemented this into clean-up week. By doing this we prevented 130 televisions, 58 computer monitors, 14 printer/copiers and one VCR from going to the landfill.

The brush is taken to our brush pile and each year the pile is ran through a grinder and turned into mulch. Our yard waste and grass clippings are taken to our compost pile, the appliances are scraped out and the tires are stored until the September Hazardous Material and Tire Pick up sponsored by the Northwest Indiana Solid Waste District.
I do not seem to have posted their 2010 results.

The amount of trash picked up was less than in 2009, and I had that impression from very casual observation. There just did not seem to be as many big piles as there were in the past.

Here is what I wrote in 2009:
According to the Rensselaer Republican (May 15, 2009), the city removed 209.67 tons of trash with 25 trips to the landfill, 45.5 tons of yard waste, 51.3 tons of brush, and 46 tires. In comparison, in 2008, there were 192.46 tons of trash, 12.79 tons of yard waste, 53.35 tons of brush, and 26 tires. Also, this year 39 loads of scrap metal were taken to Rensselaer Iron and Metal compared to 3 last year, and 28 appliances were picked up compared to only 5 last year. Apparently the city spent more time separating the scrap metal from the trash this year. According to the Rensselaer Republican (May 15, 2009), the city removed 209.67 tons of trash with 25 trips to the landfill, 45.5 tons of yard waste, 51.3 tons of brush, and 46 tires. In comparison, in 2008, there were 192.46 tons of trash, 12.79 tons of yard waste, 53.35 tons of brush, and 26 tires. Also, this year 39 loads of scrap metal were taken to Rensselaer Iron and Metal compared to 3 last year, and 28 appliances were picked up compared to only 5 last year. Apparently the city spent more time separating the scrap metal from the trash this year.

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