Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Internet rules

On Friday I saw that a new name had been painted on the SJC water tower:
I cannot imagine that happening under the last president. He kept asking why the school spent so much money on the Internet, and was it really necessary for education. Things have changed out there since I left.

The plan is for a Puma paw to be painted on the other side of the tank.

On the topic of Internet, SJC lauched a new athletics page on June 1, and the athletics department began a new new Facebook page (which still does not have may likes) in May. For the past year the college has systematically been using youtube--before that it was erratic. And I do not know if it is just my computer or it is a more general problem, but I have problems getting the SJC website if I type in I need to type in the www to get it,

Update: I have tried to avoid the news of the Casey Anthony trial, but cannot do that completely because it is omnipresent on the news. However, this trial is connected to Saint Joseph's College. How? Think bugs.

Update 2: The back side of the water tower is now painted as of Saturday afternoon.

Speaking of signage, the Fellows of the college have as their project the new signs. Many or most of the new signs have been installed, but the project also plans for some kiosks. In my early SJC years, I was able to convince the powers that be that a kiosk would be good for the college, and as a result, one was built between Dwenger Hall and the old Post Office in the little triangle that intersecting sidewalks create. It stood for about five years and was used heavily. In those days all the classrooms were in Science Hall, and before the Internet a daily trip to the post office was a necessity for college students. Then one day a truck bumped into it and damaged it. Rather than repair it. it was removed and my one contribution to the physical plant at SJC disappeared forever. In its place is a flower bed.

I will be interested to see what the new kiosks look like, what their purpose will be, and where they will be located. I doubt if they will have the function of the old kiosk, which was an outdoor bulletin board. The need for that has diminished as students get information on-line.

And on a completely different topic, today was the first day that the pool in Brookside Park was open. There were a lot of people in the park for graduation parties, class reunions, and family reunions, but the pool was almost empty. It was a bit chilly getting in, but once you got over the initial shock, it felt fine.


  1. Sounds like a DNS problem. They need to set up an alias for 'www'


  2. a former webmaster at SJC, it's somewhat laughable that that DNS problem is still happening 10 years later. The problem is that "" points to something other than their web server in DNS. I've contacted them multiple times in the past, to no avail.

  3. Dr. Neil Haskell who is from Rensselaer and St. Joseph College was on the stand at the Casey Anthony trial as a Forensic Entomologist.

  4. The name situation is fixed now.


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