Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Odds and Ends from around town

I keep waiting for construction to finish on the hospital, but it continues. Last week workers were putting on some kind of vent.
Some of the construction fence has been removed, but there are still three porta-potties. When they disappear, we will know that construction is finished.
I keep looking for an announcement of an open house, but so far none has appeared on the hospital website. However, there is a new piece up that five new consulting physicians are offering services at the hospital. They are from Lafayette and come up usually once every other week.

The east parking lot at the high school was being repaired and repainted over the weekend. I hope it is finished for the big production of the Children's Summer Theater later this week. That and Cruise Night are the big events on the community calendar.
The house under construction that I noticed at Elm and Franklin a few weeks back surprised me. It went from foundation to house while I was not paying attention.
Today Rensselaer will have a new business downtown. A flea market and resale shop is opening where J&L Antiques used to be.

And I noticed a much bigger "for-lease" sign on the building north of Sealy Spring, but I still cannot find anything about it on the Internet.

Update: The new flea market downtown is called Hometown Bargains. It presently has a limited selection, but the owner is hoping that additional vendors will join her. No date has been set yet for a grand opening.

Wednesday night is the first Wednesday dollar night at the LaRue Pool. Entry fee for those who do not have a season pass is $1.00 from 5 pm until 8 pm. Special attractions include games and pizza! If you want to see what the pool is like, this is a great opportunity to check it out.

Update 2: The cressyandeverett.com website now has some info on the large facility that is available for lease on Merritt Street: "93,614 square feet in warehouse/distribution facility available for lease.The building is a Pre-fab steel construction built in 1968 and renovated in 2008."

1 comment:

  1. Ha! We were actually bike riding and came across that house going in!

    There were two separate pieces that they were unloading. The kids loved watching.

    It was certainly an unexpected sight to see!


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