Thursday, February 23, 2012

In my bubble (updated)

I have been happily living in my own bubble lately, not paying much attention to what is happening in the wider world. I missed the Drive-Your-Tractor-to-School Day again this year--it was Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, I missed a performance by my replacement in the economics department at St. Joes. John Kennedy was at the City Office and Pub playing and singing Irish music in what I heard was a well-attended event. About the same time the Jasper County Historical Society had a meeting at the Court House that a member told me was very informative. I do not know if I missed any other Mardi Gras events.

We are now in the liturgical season of Lent, which is a preparation for Easter. We are also less than a month away from the Spring Equinox, the start of spring. Someone I know saw crocuses blooming this week. On Facebook the Friends of the Sands reported that the red-wing blackbirds are back at the Kankakee Sands. I have received the various forms I need to begin the spring ritual of computing last year's taxes. The days are getting longer, and I can see the sunset is moving north.

The Rensselaer Republican reported that the sewer project at the fairgrounds was almost done. I did not even know that there was a sewer project at the fairgrounds. I do know, however, that tentative dates have been set for this year's Fun Floats on the Iroquois: Saturday April 28 and another on October 13. Tentative dates for the Newton County Fun Floats are May 12 and Aug 25.

The Facebook page of Fair Oaks Farms links to a piece saying that there may soon be a Pig Adventure to complement the Dairy Adventure.

The big event at Saint Joseph's College last week was a visit by an accreditation team from North Central, the group that accredits colleges in the Midwest. This is an event that happens every ten years at all colleges and causes stress among the higher-up officials. It is something that requires years of preparation and I ignored it all before I retired because I knew I would not be there.

Copies of my maze books are now available at the Willow Switch. Take a look at them next time you are in the store.

Update: If you use a Macintosh and have access to the Apps Store (you need OS-X 6 or 7), give NotesTab a try. It is  simple application that sits on the right side of your menu bar and lets you store notes. It is free, has been in the top ten of free applications for the past two weeks, and it is written by a former Rensselaer resident who still has family ties here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post. I downloaded NotesTab and was quite impressed. IF (ha!) you happen to take to the developer, I would really like some other options available (tweet, Post to Evernote) besides the email. WIth that said, impressive little app.


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