Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Early spring

This morning I noticed a peach tree in full blossom. Two years ago the peach tress were blooming on April 10.
I would not bet on a big peach crop, however. What are the odds that we will not have a hard frost sometime in April?

Another picture of spring, this one from a few days ago. The frogs were not making any noise, but if you approached the water, there were plenty of them hopping in.

I tried to work a bit in the garden, but gave up because it was too hot. I did notice that I had a lot of volunteer tomatoes coming up.

update: Today is the vernal equinox, which can be considered the first day of spring.


  1. The swampy scene struck a note of nostalgia in me and so I posted the frog habitation picture on my own blog. you are a swell photographer. Thank you.

  2. Oops! I should have said that the photo will appear on tomorrow's edition of my blog.


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