Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Friends of the Lake--updated

Saint Joseph's College has a new program for those who want to use Lake Banet this summer that is open to the public. For $25 you can be a Friend of the Lake at the St. Francis level and that gives you a personal swimming pass.  For $50 you can be a Friend of the Lake at the St. Anne level and that gives you a family swimming pass. Finally, for $100 you can be Friend of the Lake at the St. Andrew and Peter level and, as the name implies, you will get a fishing pass in addition to a family swimming pass.

The cost of the swimming passes is similar to the cost of the passes for the LaRue Pool in Brookside Park. The lake has sand (which you may consider a feature or a bug), which the pool does not.

The Lake Banet Grand Opening will be Saturday, May 26 from 1:00 until 6:00.

For more information, call 219.866.6386 or email kcq7495 at, naturally,

The Lake Banet Park was established for use of students and employees of Saint Joseph's College. During the summer there are few students around, and a surprising number of employees do not live in or near Rensselaer.
When it was first opened, there were quite a few people using it, but in the past few years attendance has been low. I think opening it up in this way is a good idea. (However, Brookside Park is far more convenient for me, so I doubt if you will see me out at the lake this summer.)

A few other notes from SJC:

The patio in front of Halleck Center is complete. It replaces a fountain that was removed in March. (See here and here.) The new brickwork makes the space far more useable. Notice the corners--they are made of old brick from sidewalks in the grotto or north of the science building that were torn up.
The fiftieth anniversary of the Eisenhower visit to Rensselaer to lay the cornerstone for Halleck Center will occur this year.

 A couple weeks ago I noticed construction of something behind the baseball field.
 Most of the construction is complete, but I still was not sure what it was, so I asked. It will be the new area for the hammer throw and discus. Netting to be installed will prevent any errant throws from doing damage.
 A few years ago some throw, I think it was a hammer throw, hit the power line that crosses just to the north of the old launching area (seen next to Sparling Avenue in the picture above) and took out the power to the campus.

Update: The hammer cage will be completed just in time for the GLVC Track and Field Championships, starting Friday. For more information, see here.

1 comment:

  1. I know a little girl who is already talking about building sandcastles...


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