Tuesday, August 7, 2012

More miscellany

I stopped by the water treatment plant to see what progress was being made and asked a worker what the purpose of the tank that they were constructing was. He said it was a brine tank. It will replace the current brine tank, which is in front of pump house number one.
 I noticed a parked truck with a big metal contraption, so I asked the driver what it was. He said it was an aerator and it would need a crane to lift it into the water treatment plant.
 The concrete has been poured for the base of the 9-11 memorial in front of the fire department. When I stopped by yesterday one of the guys working on the forms told me how much concrete would be in the base. I think it was either six or eight cubic yards.
 I had noticed that there was a white coating on part of the court house roof, but was not sure if the old singles had been removed because I did not see a dumpster. Today I found the dumpster--it is behind the post office.
 Amy's Attic seems to have closed for good. Taking a closer look at the building, I noticed that it had a metal front under thick layers of paint. It is not only one of Rensselaer's tallest buildings at three stories, but one of the most attractive.
 Tonight there was a gospel group singing at the Tuesday night farmers' market. They had a nice crowd of mostly older folks who had brought their own lawn chairs. Also tonight was Cops Night Out at Brookside Park. It featured not only a free hot dog, but free popcorn courtesy of ConAgra, and for those who needed one, a free bike helmet. I considered getting one, but decided I would be unlikely to wear it, so passed.
 There was also free swimming at the pool. During the break/adult swim break the life guards could not resist trying the water slide that was provided by Party Town.
Update: Congratulations to Little Indiana, who will be taking her interesting insights about small town Indiana to Indiana PBS next year.

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