Tuesday, March 12, 2013

More demolition--Updated

Demolition of what was left of the Monnett School resumed this week. On Monday the excavator was filling a dumpster and trucks with the debris left in the north wing.

This morning the excavator was digging out the foundation walls along the outside of the building. I expected them to leave that concrete in place and just cover it up, but they were digging it out. It appeared that the entire concrete pad under the south wing had been removed and trucked away.

I made a final stop this afternoon during a brief snow shower. You can see that the piles of debris from the north wing were gone and only two little bits of the wall were left. It should not take too long to remove both the walls and the pad.
I may update this post if demolition continues this week.

There is not much on the calender this week, but I have heard that the Tractor Supply will open Saturday--or maybe Friday--I have heard both. Embers said that they will be revealing their new front this week. I can see work going on in what was the Doghouse, but do not know when it will be complete. I keep checking the Amtrak stop but have not seen any changes there for a week. And I was wrong about the Horton Building. It appears that t The photography studio that was behind the SPAW, Samantha Bachorski Photography, is moving into the space that SPAW had. Also, a computer repair and supply store called ABComputers will be there.

Update: Below is a picture taken about 10:00 on Wednesday (3-13-13) from about the same spot as the last picture. The walls are gone and the concrete pad is being ripped up.

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