Monday, March 18, 2013

Odds and ends around town 03-18-2013

On Friday I noticed that Rich's Cycle Solutions had a new location, on Walnut Street. It had been located on the corner of Washington and Weston. Bently's is still in the old location.
Walnut Street has always been a mystery to me. At the end of Walnut is a large complex that looks run down. On Friday three flatbed semis were there unloading what looked like very old equipment of some sort. I have not found out what they were doing, but I did discover that this old complex once housed the Earl Soesbe Company. I had heard of it but never knew what they did. One of their products was a self dumping hopper.
I missed the truck that unloaded re-bar at the Amtrak stop. Maybe construction will get going now.
I thought it a bit funny that FedEx was making a delivery of some very large metal apparatus at the construction site for the new substation next to the power plant. I had never thought of FedEx as a delivery company for this kind of item.
And while on the topic of substations, there is something going on behind the substation on North Melville. The field has been bulldozed and crushed stone laid down around the existing substation. My guess is that this substation will also be enlarged as part of the 69K line project.

In news downtown, the future home of Bubs Barbeque now has the letters BBQ in the windows. There are no more JC Penney signs on Anders' Water Conditioning. SB Photography thought it might open today, but does not seem to have finished relocating. It is moving into the old SPAW space. The office will also have a computer repair and supply store called ABComputers--a side window has the coming soon message for it.

SJC has some news as well. Following Purdue's lead, they are freezing tuition. And one of my favorite people from the years I was there, Father Dominic Gerlach, passed away Saturday. He taught history and German and was the archivist for the college. 

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