Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A busy Tuesday

Tuesday was busy. After doing some chores early in the morning, I noticed a post on Facebook that reminded me that I needed to check out the Teen Mission project at CDC. I did, and that will be the subject of a future post. Then I went over to the high school, where several people were painting the modular building that had been at Monnett.
 I was able to peek in the gym to see how the new floor was progressing. The new floor is in the gym, but in the form of stacks of wood.
 Leaving, I noticed that the marching band was practicing. I hope that there are a few more members than were at this practice. The markings in the parking lot had just been repainted and the lot was closed to vehicles.
 I was headed to Laird's Landing because I got an e-mail a few days ago telling me that the Eagle Scouts had redone the canoe ramp. There was a guy fishing and I talked to him a while. He was impressed with the ramp. I mentioned that there were plans for a new access point where the river approaches Calvary Road. He thought that a canoe trip from Lairds Landing to the proposed ramp would be a scenic trip, more scenic that canoeing the river in Newton County, even though the river there is wider and deeper, and hence easier to canoe.
Coming back to Rensselaer, I stopped by the new store, Home Sweet Home, which was the subject to one of yesterday's posts.

After an early supper, I checked out the Tuesday Night Farmer's Market, which had a special event, Kid's Night, organized by the Chamber of Commerce. There was free popcorn, free hot dogs, free watermelon, free paper hats, free face painting, and a lot more. Some of the cast from upcoming Carnegie Players production of The King and I sang a few selections from the play. There was a lot going on.
 There was even a giant duck to scare the kids if they were bad. (Or to promote the duck derby that the Little Cousin Jasper Committee will hold in September.) (Update: More pictures here.)
 I was excited to discover a business that has been in Rensselaer for 19 years and that I have passed by many times without realizing that they existed. Computer Solutions had a table with a little game. They sell, service, upgrade, and repair computes, remove viruses, and provide web and domain administration. They do not do much retail, but rather mostly serve businesses. They are located in the turret house on south College Avenue that has been under construction for several years, the one just south of Jenkin's Realty.

I would have liked to go to the county council meeting, but I had a prior commitment. As I was on my way home from that commitment, I stopped by the train depot because I heard a train approaching, and noticed that the depot was finally unlocked. Below is what it looks like inside.
Today is, thankfully, a bit less busy. I may even be able to take my afternoon nap.

Update: I drove by the Amtrak station today (Saturday, July 27) and the old depot had been removed. I was too busy to go back and investigate.

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