Tuesday, July 23, 2013

New store: Home Sweet Home

Last week a new store opened in the Horton Building. It is called Home Sweet Home and features a wide variety of products, some old and some new.
The item that caught my attention immediately was this old Hoosier cabinet. These were popular in the early years of the twentieth century. This one still had the old flour sifter.
Restored furniture is only one of the product lines that the store features. I asked for a description of what the store sold, and the owner really could not narrow it down.
It was all very tastefully displayed. The store space is quite small, but it is larger than the booth that the owner previously had at Jasper Junction, or even two booths.
The store is on Cullen across from the CVS drug store.
In addition to the types of things shown in the above pictures, the store also sells three product lines. Tastefully Simple is a line of food products. I had not heard of it before, but here is its website. I had heard of Watkins, but I do not remember exactly what they sell. And the last, Origami Owl, is a line of jewelry.

After admiring the ceiling at eMbers, I could not help but notice the nice tin ceiling in Home Sweet Home.
The store has only been open a week. Right now it is open six days a week for rather lengthy hours. When the owner figures out which hours are worth keeping, business hours will probably shrink.

Check them out. A blog post does not capture what the store has to offer.


  1. Wow! Thank you for keeping us informed about our community. Rensselaer is a bustling place with many kids busy, busy, busy.

  2. This is a very cute store, with great furniture repurposed, among many other items. Most pieces are painted or revamped for you. All done very well. You really need to check this one out. It would be nice however for hours to be posted on door.


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