Monday, July 22, 2013

Movie in the park

On Saturday the Little Cousin Jasper Committee hosted a free movie in Potawatomie Park. The committee had their food stand set up very early--an hour and a half before sun set.
The support for the screen was made from PVC pipes. The Committee hopes they can use this screen at the festival to show the stage acts that take place in front of the court house to the booths and people who are set up behind the court house.

As the sun set, people began to arrive. Many brought their own chairs. While the sky grew dark, a loop of ads telling people that they needed to buy things at the concession stand ran, much like what you see in many movie theaters. At first it was rather hard to see from the back of the crowd, but as the sky darkened, it grew easier and easier to read the writing. There was also a short period in which the sky was very pretty, with pink clouds to the southwest.
People kept arriving. I am not sure how many were there when the movie started.

It was a fun experience and I am sure that many kids will remember the movie in the park much longer than they remember movies in the theater. I hope that the Cousin Jasper Committee did well enough with their concession sales that they will consider a repeat in the future.

Update: Oops. I did not give credit to the Rensselaer Rotary, which actually sponsored the event and paid for the movie. See the comment to this post.


  1. Just as a small aside...the event was sponsored by the Rensselaer Rotary Club with proceeds going to the Little Cousin Jasper Festival...Big thanks to Chris and Melissa Widner of the Rotary Club for all of their work.

  2. Also the framing for the screen is metal not pvc so as to stand up to the winds we so frequently get


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