Saturday, July 20, 2013

The county fair ends for 2013

The last day of the county fair was Friday. I visited early, when the grandstand area was being transformed from a rodeo arena to something more appropriate for demolition derby.
The Ferris Wheel towered over the grandstand. 
The reason I went early was I wanted to attend the health fair that the Jasper County Hospital was sponsoring. The lines were short when I was there. The next public health fair from the Jasper County Hospital will be in November at SJC.
Things are cool and quiet in the morning at the fair.
The picture below is for a commenter on an earlier post this week who wondered where the animal pictures were.
It is always amazing how quickly the fair closes up. This morning most of the carnival rides were gone, and the few that remained were packed and ready to go.
Most tents were down and the picnic tables were being cleared away.
But not all the tents were gone and almost all the campers were still in the two camper lots. 
The sky was blue and there were only a few small puddles from the little bit rain that came through this morning around 5:00.

In another year we can do it all again.

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