Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Big holes (updated)

This morning I was on my way downtown to see the big hole when I was shocked to see destruction on Front Street. A house that was northwest of Steinke's Funeral Home was missing and all that was left of the large garage behind Steinke's was one of the walls.
 Later in the day I got a better picture of remnants of the house. The front steps were still in place.
 The exterior remodeling of Steinke's is pretty well finished. I had wondered how they would replace the parking lost caused by the addition to the back of the building. Now I know.
 The hole that I wanted to see was the hole at the BP station on the corner of Front and Washington. Workers had removed the gas storage tank and were digging deeper. However, bedrock was in their way, so they were using the little vehicle in the hole that was equipped with a jackhammer to break up the limestone.
 The whole area around the station has been dug out. Right now it is a mess.
 As one house disappears, another starts taking shape. The house that the Building Trades class is building on West Vine is rising and is now above ground.
Update: On Thursday morning two tanks were lifted into the hole by a crane. I missed that, but was there when the workers began to fill the hole. Can you see the gravel being shot into the hole from a truck on the left?
By the end of the day, the tanks were mostly covered.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate being kept up to date on goings and comings in my town by reading Rensselaer Adventures.


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