Monday, September 23, 2013

What is it? (several updates)

What is this strange metal object? I will update once people have a chance to guess the answer.
 Corn and soybeans are the most common crops in the fields around Rensselaer, but every once in a while you can find a field planted in another crop. What is growing in this field on CR 350W?
Update: Below is a picture of the metal object installed.

Update2 Wednesday: The bridge after work was completed for the day is shown below.
Update 3 Thursday: You cannot drive across it, but you can now walk across the bridge. The excavator was busy dredging the mouth of the creek.


  1. farm crop is millet

  2. The metal object on the truck is a culvert. Source: childhood playing in ditches


  3. That old iron railing made this such a charming bridge. I wonder how it will look when completed?


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