Monday, September 30, 2013

Busy weekend

On Saturday SJC had a home football game and the marching band performed for the first time this season. I rode my bike out and parked it by a building. When I cam back the bike was gone. I figured that someone had taken for a short ride because the bike is not worth stealing (I bought it for $15 at the city auction last year and have not improved it). Although I quickly found it parked next to a dorm, whoever took it for that short ride was remarkably thoughtless and inconsiderate.

In the evening Mainstreet Renssealer hosted an Oktoberfest. The weather was ideal this year and the attendance was good. As the sky darkened, the local band McGuffin began to play.
 A couple of weeks ago my back-up camera died--the lens does not extend or retract properly, and it may be a software problem rather than a mechanical problem. I had only taken 13,000+ pictures. So I bought another cheap digital camera. My new back-up does not perform well in low-light conditions, and the picture below shows.
 Perhaps the event should have been called Septemberfest. It was held in September, not October, all the music was American pop music, and some of the food had no German associations. However, there was beer so maybe that is enough to make it an Oktoberfest.

On Sunday I went to hear the Prairie-Arts-sponsored violinist Jorge Avila and his pianist Gregory Martin. That event also had a good attendance. The audience gave him a standing ovation at the end and got an encore.
He ended that concert with a couple of pieces by Fritz Kreisler, a violinist born in Vienna. He wrote a number of compositions that he attributed to other composers, which is a bit strange.


  1. I give 5 starts to the concert. Appreciated the varied attendance, too; but didn't see many that looked to be St Joe students. Missed a great, free opportunity to hear great musicians perform wonderful music.


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