Thursday, September 12, 2013

Some other DeMotte Parks

Yesterday's post was about Demotte's Ciurus Park. DeMotte has several other parks within the town boundaries. The one with the most in it is Spencer Park, which is on the east side of Halleck Street in roughly the middle of town. The feature that announces the park but does not seem to be part of it is a large fountain.
 The photo above was taken looking to the west toward Halleck. I would have preferred a picture looking east, but the sun was still low, so I could not take a good one. However, if one follows the road shown above across Halleck Street, you will be in cornfields one block west of Halleck.

I was unsure that there was a park behind the fountain because the sign below indicated that there were lots for development around the fountain. (Looking at google maps shows that very recently a farm field occupied these lots and the fountain.)
There are some interesting things inside the park. There are a couple of pavilions that people can rent and a bandshell. The DeMotte historical society also has a museum in a refurbished depot that once served DeMotte. Next to it is an old caboose from the New York Central Line.
The museum and caboose are open on Saturday mornings during the during the spring and summer. Below is a peek inside the caboose.
The DeMotte swimming pool is nearby, with DeMotte's new water tower in the background.
There are a couple of little pocket parks along Halleck. This one is just north of the DeMotte Elementary School, which can be seen in the background.
Freedom Park is a long, thin park west of the elementary school. It has one shelter. The blue things in the distance are pipes, part of the project to bring city water to DeMotte. The Touch of Dutch Festival uses this park.
A bit further to the west is Field of Dreams Park, which has ball fields. There is also an Airport Park on the north side of town that may be new. It has a shelter. I did not get a chance to visit either on this trip to DeMotte.

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