Friday, September 13, 2013

Back in town

I have been busy the past two weeks with family affairs, most of which took me away from Rensselaer. Driving on I-65 (Did you know that I-65 is closed in downtown Indianapolis? The closure snarls traffic on I-465.) I noticed a lot of corn is turning brown and many of the soybean fields are turning yellow. South of Rensselaer there are a couple of corn fields that have already been harvested.

Getting back to Rensselaer Friday morning, I noticed a CSX crew working on the abandoned sidings just west of the McKinley Street crossing.
You can see the new office building for the scales of the elevator in the background. I do not think it is in use yet--the door in the front open to a eight or ten foot drop.

I am not sure what the work crew did, but I was hoping that just maybe it was preparation for improving the crossing. The highway now crosses fours sets of tracks though only two are in use. Getting rid of the two sets that are no longer used would make the crossing much better.
 I stopped in the This and That Store (formerly the Store with No Name) to find out why it is closing. The owner said that the business was taking too much of his time. He will be open for a few more weeks, but there is no firm last day of business so it may make its first anniversary. The store is only open on Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays. There was still quite a bit of merchandise in the store.
 Already closed is a small store further down the sidewalk, the Mexican clothing store, Novedades Maru. It opened less than a year ago.

1 comment:

  1. The corn fields you saw that had been harvested were probably cut for silage. The harvest probably won't really begin for another few weeks.


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