Saturday, September 14, 2013

Some Saturday fun

Today (Saturday) was full of fun events. The high school and middle school hosted the annual cross country invitational. Here is what the start of one of the races looked like.

While at the meet, I noticed that one of the high school gym doors was open so I peeked inside. Most of the floor seems to have been installed, except for the bit along the north wall. Although it was Saturday, men were working on the installation.
 You can see that the subfloor rests on studs. The top layer needs to be finished in some way yet. There was much less to do on the south wall.
 Saint Joe's had a home football game that it lost in the final moments. I wanted to see the band's halftime show, but it did not perform one.

Saturday evening St. Augustine School had its second annual Fall Frolic. They were blessed with ideal weather. One of the attractions for kids was a pony ride.
There was bingo for adults and the people playing looked like they were serious players, able to handle multiple cards with ease.

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