Friday, October 4, 2013

Another busy Friday

This morning I saw four vehicles, one a truck full of metal pieces, drive into Weston Cemetery. I would have liked to follow them to see what they were going to do, but I had another obligation. I had to get to the opening of the Saint Augustine rummage sale. Below is what the church basement looked like shortly before the doors opened.
 There is a crew of dedicated workers who set up the sale on Thursday. On Tuesday the basement looked very different, with all the rummage in a big pile.
I handed out bags to people coming in and tried to sell several people the cute babble-head coin bank shown below. I could not convince anyone I talked to to buy it, but after I left someone put it into their bag.
I left and went out to the community garden to harvest my sweet potatoes. I bought sweet potato plants about twenty five years ago and have been planting them every year since. Each fall I take cuttings of the vines (sweet potatoes are in the morning glory family) and put them in water. Most of them will develop roots. I then plant them in pots and they become my house plants for the winter. In the spring they go back into the ground outside after the danger of frost has passed. (If you would like to give it a try, my garden has a lot of discarded sweet potato vines. It is the northeastern most garden in the community garden. Take a few of the plants and see if you can get them to grow. Sometime after Saturday the whole garden will all be plowed under.)

Finally I was able to get to the cemetery and see what the people in the trucks had done. They had installed conventional guard rails on the new bridge over the creek.
By the way, I had to go back to the rummage sale at closing. There was still a lot of stuff there. The Saturday bargain shoppers should have a lot of fun filling large bags for only $1.00 each.

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