Thursday, October 24, 2013

More remodeling

Yesterday at the ribbon cutting for the riverside BP, I asked Linda from the Chamber of Commerce what ribbon cuttings were on the schedule. She said that none had a firm date, but that soon there would be ribbon cuttings for Home Sweet Home, the store with two names, Unique Finds and Kids Corner, and the McDonald's at the interstate. That reminded me that I should go out and take a look at how construction was progressing on the McDonald's.

I found something that I did not expect, though it is probably because I have not been paying attention.
That is not the McDonald's restaurant. That is the Dairy Queen undergoing remodeling. The drive up window is still in operation, though the seating inside is closed.

On the east side dirt was being moved. (The main reason for including this picture, however, was to show the trees changing color.)
The McDonald's restaurant was a beehive of activity. I do not often see as many contractors' vans as were parked there.
 Most of the work seemed to be going on inside. The parking lot looks like it has recently been resurfaced. Landscaping is not yet complete.
 Although there was some exterior work going on, the exterior looks almost finished.

1 comment:

  1. We just ate at Dairy Queen today. Inside seating is still available.


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