Monday, November 18, 2013

A few more storm pictures (updated)

Below are a few more pictures showing damage from Sunday's storms.

The storm not only toppled this swing set, but it blew the plastic panels out of the privacy fence. One of them ended about a block to the north.
 This large tree does not seem to have done much damage when it fell. It was in a backyard near the power plant. The black clouds in the distance are from the second wave of storms, which hit about twenty minutes later.
 A number of houses had some singles blown off. One response was to put a tarp on the roof, a challenge given the very strong winds that were still blowing.
 Here is another house with damage that has been tarped up.
 This afternoon I noticed that one of the tables with an umbrella had been flung against the fence at Brookside Pool. The fence is nice and shiny because it was painted recently, as has the concrete base. Do you like the blue?
 There must have been a finger of extra strong wind that hit the park because it did damage to the fence and announcer's booth at Roth Field.
 My guess is that the wind picked up the south bleachers and hurled them into the fence before leaving them twisted on the ground next to the Gifford Shelter.
Jasper County REMC has a series of pictures showing damage to power lines in the country and other damage on Facebook. Start here and click on the advance arrow to see them all.

Every once in a while the city has a shredder in to make mulch of its piles of tree limbs that it collects north of the railroad tracks on Mattheson Street. Today the shredder was there. I wonder if it will be there long enough to process all the downed tree limbs that the storm left.
(I have wanted to get a picture of the shredder for several years and was happy to find it operating today.)

Update: Although many of the downed trees have been cleared away as of Tuesday, there were still some that had not been touched. The most interesting were two trees in the river at the north end of Sparling.
 These two, plus another downed tree across the river near the lift station a bit further upstream, would make canoeing or rafting the river a challenge. They may also cause flooding if we get some really heavy rains.

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