Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday storm

The peacefulness of Sunday was interrupted by two waves of storms, the first of which did considerable damage. I ventured out between them and got caught by the rain of the second one.

There were many small branches down in the streets and also some debris. A number of houses had minor damage, like the one below which lost some siding.
 The wind must have been very strong to tilt the Martin's Restaurant sign.
 I saw shingles in the street in several neighborhoods. The roofers should be busy for a couple weeks repairing damaged roofs. I only saw one chimney cap in the street.
 There were a number of trees and large branches down. Several closed streets, as the one below, which also took down the power line. This one was in the northeast part of town, in a neighborhood that had several other trees down.
 The most impressive damage was north of town, where one building was demolished. Someone told me that this had been the L&P Body Shop. You cannot really tell anymore.
 The same structure from a different angle. I think the debris at the bottom is part of the roof from the building on the other side of the highway.
 The building that until recently was Bazz's Eat and Sip had roof damage. On the other side the roof the overhang was gone and I think it is what you can see in the picture above. Also, notice the leaning power line pole. It was wobbling in the wind, which was still very strong though the sky had cleared.
 There must have been something special in this area, perhaps a microburst, because the building just to the north of the demolished building also had structural damage.
There was a lot of local damage, but it is nothing compared to the tornado damage in several Illinois towns.

Update: I forgot to mention that the storm knocked out power to all or most of Rensselaer for at least an hour.


  1. Thanks for the pics. L&P body shop is next to the destroyed bldg., I think--where the white van is w/man standing.

  2. I live behind save a lot and we only lost power for about a second between flickering but we never left to see if town lost power or not

  3. The first house you've pictured is actually Jeff Lakin's, who happens to be an employee and the son of the owner of L&P Body Shop. The destroyed building does also belong to L&P Body Shop even though most of the work is done in the north building. Lowell Lakin is the owner. The main building has enough damage done to it that the business will probably not be able to do business for a good amount of time. Hopefully everyone will show compassion and patience with a long time established and well ran local business.

  4. is my buddy jimmy miller.ok

  5. I was out of power until nearly 9. I wish it was "just an hour." I am very displeased with the "protocol" of the police and fire dept. Don't they have some kind of policy or protocol. I pulled over for a fire engine. When he finally saw me he laid on his horn like a complete jackass. Very uncalled for. Then the police officer who was parked by my house yelling at people. Telling people to go inside and that they were blocking the road. MAYBE more law enforcement should have been out helping. I am thankful that everyone is safe, but very disappointed in Rensselaer PD and fire.

  6. we had no warning what up with that?

  7. There were no sirens to warn us! They go off at the beginning of every month but not when it storms?? Complete B.S and not to mention the dispatcher at the police dept hung up on me! They really need to get their act together. It could of been way worse.

  8. If anyone noticed tht microburst was actually a tornado forming. My boyfriend nd i were coming back from church nd we were about 15 mins out when a tornado touched down right next to us. Needless to say we ran away from it ok but the town was extremely lucky tht the tornado didn't hit town. My question is wheres the tornado sirens

  9. Quonset-style buildings seems to fail precipitously. The fall of the building next to Lakin's body shop is one of many such collapses.

    I think this building once was the home of Chapman's Piano. Can anyone confirm?

    Wow really to the people complaining. On here,don't know why don't see your asses doing it.. you should be proud of the fire\police department. My sons Foster father works with the fire department and some people get offensive to shit you say. And why would you bitch about sirens and lights. Be lucky that's all you got some people lost there homes and life long possessions and I know they would trade you places and not complain one time#COMPLAING ANONYMOUS PPL IRRITATE ME..


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