Thursday, April 3, 2014

Construction bits April 3, 2014

It has been a slow week as far as finding things to write about for this blog though I have been busy with other things. I found some time to start getting some plants started indoors for transplanting later in the garden and I have noticed a few house repairs I need to make. It was hard to think about those things when there was snow on the ground. There still is some snow in Rensselaer. Yesterday (Tuesday) morning the pile in the Walmart parking lot was still five or six feet tall. The early morning rain today should be cutting it down in size considerably.
Workers were doing something to the roof of the chapel at SJC.
Work continues on the substation by the power plant.
Across the street, the Rensselaer Library is almost back to normal. Carpeting has been installed in their back office space and the staff is moving back from the conference room. As of yesterday, there was still a bit of carpet that needed to be installed behind the circulation desk.

A lot of work is going on at the Dollar General construction site. On the evening of April 1 a sand bed had been laid down and some concrete poured for footings.
Less than 24 hours later crushed limestone had been put on top of that and forms were in place for further concrete pours.
Lots of dump trucks have come and gone, delivering stone, sand, or crushed stone.
There is a sign on SR 114 saying that the highway will be closed on or after April 7 (correction April 17). I am not sure why--perhaps it is for replacement of the culvert for the creek.

The new hair salon downtown is now open.

Fair Oaks Farms shared some pictures of work inside their restaurant here.

1 comment:

  1. Love the chapel roof photo. Thanks for the pictures around town.


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