Tuesday, August 12, 2014

City Council meeting, Monday, Aug 11 2014

The City Council had a short (about half an hour) and relatively uneventful meeting on Monday evening. When I got there a few minutes late, they were discussing an ordinance for LED security lights. Because I was late, I did not feel it appropriate to ask questions, but as I understand it, the ordinance established a $3.00 monthly charge for private security lights that are LED, the same charge that exists for non-LED security lights. I think there was also mention that the city would be experimenting with LED lights on Owen, Wood, and Mattheson Streets.

There will be an increase in natural gas bills for August as a result of a $.14 per hundred cubic feet increase in the gas tracker price. A list of 21 streets needing resurfacing was given to the council so it could approve the seeking of bids. (Grace Street is not on the list because it is a state highway, and despite efforts by city officials to get the state to do something about it, little seems to be happening.) The water department got approval to purchase a new truck from Gutwein Motors. Repairs to City Hall to fix a water leakage problem were approved.  Department of Agriculture funding for the new fire station does not look promising, so the city will begin to look to a bond issue. Coffee with a Cop was successful enough so that the Police Department will probably do it again next year. The power plant was working on making the electrical connections to the new substation and NIPSCO has decided on a metering point. The fire department is beginning planning for the Halloween Trunk and Treat event for this year, which will probably be at the fair grounds. The Eger Road gas main line should be installed and charged this week.

The most interesting announcement at the meeting was that SJC will not be burning coal this year--environmental regulations have gotten too hard to comply with--and will be hooking up to city gas for the power plant. I had not heard anything about that from my sources at SJC.

In other news, something is happening at the Hanging Grove Township School.

If you wonder what is happening upstairs at eMbers, check out these pictures.

A new auction service will soon have its first auction.

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