Saturday, October 4, 2014

I met the governor

Governor Pence visited Rensselaer this morning at the Clauss Bakery. I got there early so took some time to check the progress on the renovation of the building. It appears that the new windows are meant to look like the original windows.
 The governor was coming from Crown Point and did not arrive until 11:30. I watched people sign in and recognized some local officials. State Senator Ed Charbonneau, who represents northern Jasper County (including northern Rensselaer), County Council members Steve Jordan and Rein Bontreger, County Commissioner Kendall Culp, and Rensselaer Mayor Steve Wood were among elected officials who were there.
 The governor took time to shake hands with everyone who came to the event and he posed for a lot of pictures .
 Just before noon he was ready to address the crowd. Unfortunately, I could not stay to hear his remarks.
 I was obliged to get to the St. Augustine Rummage Sale and help with cleanup. I arrived at noon and was happily surprised to find that it was already mostly boxed up.
 The day before lots of people had been sorting through piles of stuff finding bargains. How can you go wrong at $3.00 a bag?
Cleanup was quick thanks to help from several volunteers from Community Corrections as well as several members of the Renssleaer Central High School Football Team. By 12:30 the truck full of leftovers was on the way to Jasper Junction and the cleanup crew was enjoying some snacks. The next rummage sale will be April 17 & 18.

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