Monday, December 29, 2014

A couple of notes

The Jasper County Public Library Board held a short meeting this morning to tie up a few loose ends before the end of the year. They approved paying the bills that have accumulated since the regular December meeting and they approved some appropriation transfers. The latter item means that they transferred money from budget lines that were underspent to budget lines that were overspent. No matter how carefully a budget is prepared, there will always be unexpected expenses, so certain spending will be greater than anticipated. The Board must approve these transfers. The head librarian told the Board that all the insurance for the flood has been settled, though they expect one more check for damaged furniture. She said that insurance company had been very cooperative in dealing with them. The meeting was over in about 15 minutes.

This morning on the way back from an exciting holiday adventure (you should be reading about it in a few days) I noticed that gasoline prices had slipped below $2.00 per gallon in Rensselaer.
Milk is now more expensive than gasoline, and one pack of cigarettes costs more than two gallons of gasoline (and Indiana has cheap cigarette prices compared to many other states). Gas is still cheaper in Lafayette.

1 comment:

  1. Happy, happy new year to Rensselaer Adventures! Thank you for keeping us informed of the details of county and city meetings, new businesses, changes in businesses and landscapes, and many photos to document happenings.


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