Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A visit to FOF (2 of 3)

We arrived at the Farmhouse Restaurant after checking out the construction progress of the Pork Education Center and browsing the Bakery and Market, recounted in Part One.
The door pulls were clever.
There are two doors in front. One leads to the convention halls of the the Farmhouse and the other to the Restaurant. Coming in via the Restaurant doors, you are greeted by the hostess who will seat you. However, I wanted to look around a bit before I was seated and the hostess told me that I was welcomed to do that. Immediately to the right of the entrance was a small dining room that seated about 30. Groups can reserve this room for meetings.

(By the way, the Fair Oaks Farms website has lots of pictures, some of them much better than what I have. Try here and here.)

Turning to the left, you could see the hallway down to the convention center rooms.
I noticed that the Restaurant was having some fun with their restroom signage.
Jumping ahead a bit, as we were eating the manager stopped by our table and I began to ask her questions. She invited us for a tour after we were done, and on that tour she told us that we really should take a look in the restrooms. Below is a picture of the men's restroom.
Same restroom, looking the other way.
The women's restroom had different decorations. There were plates on the wall from each of the fifty states. (And in case you were wondering, no, I did not take this picture.)
Proceeding down the hallway, we reached the conference center room. This room can be divided into two parts, and the parts are called the John Newton and William Jasper Rooms. Each has its own door, seen on the left. Between the doors you can see where a divider can be pulled to separate the halves.
Outside of these rooms is a water feature, which is a rustic fountain. It was too dark to take a picture of it, but looked like it would be very pretty in the summer.

I asked how often these rooms were used. During the summer there is a wedding or weddings pretty much every weekend. In addition, various farm groups have been using the convention center for meetings.

Then it was time to eat.

(A comment on the Facebook link to Part 1 said that the mystery building behind the Pork Education Center will be the Crop Adventure building.)

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