Thursday, December 4, 2014

Odds and Ends, 12/04/2014

On a recent trip out of town I passed by the construction site of the Davis Veterinary Clinic. It is further along that I expected.
 On the same trip I checked out site for the fuel pump at IBEC. The shelter structure is up but I did not see any pumps.

Jasper Junction has been having problems with their heating system. They were closed for several days before Thanksgiving and Black Friday, opened briefly, and then closed again and now are open again. I hope they got it fixed this time. Saint Joseph's College had issues with its heating system that I think were connected to their switchover to natural gas. They have installed a new permanent boiler and I believe that everything is working smoothly. Next week will be their final exam week, and then the dorms will be closed from Dec 11 until Jan 11.

It appears that there will be a new building going up on the corner of Vine and Cullen. The property sold in September.
 The MacAllister construction is not as far along as I expected. It appears that there is a roof over the shop area, and most of the work seems to have been done in what will be the office area. The weather may have slowed construction.
NICHES will be getting a new property in southern Jasper County in a few weeks. It will be called the Gish Wildlife Preserve and will be half a mile north of the Fisher Oak Savannah Property. While I was trying to find it on the counties GIS map, I learned that NICHES sold the house that was on the Fisher Oak property in December of 2013.

(Are you familiar with the GIS maps? They are accessed via the county website. Click on the GIS tab on the right, and then click on the Jasper County Government GIS Site on the bottom of the page. I like to click the map tab on the top of the next page and zoom in to the area that I am interested in. There is a tremendous amount of information available on the site. You can find out who owns any property in the county.)

1 comment:

  1. Glad the old house on the Niches Fisher Oak property will be given a new life.


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