Monday, July 13, 2015

Cruise Night 2015

I got to Cruise Might a bit early on Saturday night and noticed that the police were getting ready for the big night. There was another police car and a Sheriff's car parked further down the street that did not fit into this picture.

 When I came back at the right time I traveled the route from north to south. There are really two shows going on during Cruise Night. One show is what the people sitting along the route see. The other, and probably more interesting show, is what the people in the cars see as they drive the route. I took some pictures of some of the older cars in the Cruise.
I would tell you what make and model they are if I had any idea. I was never into cars the way some guys are.
 The new county fair queen and her court, chosen just the night before, were in the parade, prehaps their first event after the queen contest.
 Another old car.
An even older car, much modified from what it originally looked like. Notice the police car. There were police cars at most of the intersections.

 The police officer was having some kind of discussion with these drivers. One of them turned around and left. I do not know why. On the parking lot of what used to be Jack's Uptown Service a large tent was set up and it seemed to be part of some event that was taking place at Embers.
 I noticed quite a few people either selling food and drink or giving away food and drink along the route. This was in front of 24/7 Fitness.
 Trinity United Methodist Church was giving away hot dogs and water in front of Jordan's
 Around the corner The Pink Walras food truck was selling frozen yogurt.
 Dale's Steak and Chop Shop was selling food in front of the bowling alley. Not pictured, Jackson Hewitt Tax Service was giving away free popcorn, though they seemed to have run out by the time I passed by.
 The most unusual of the food vendors was the Roman soldier, who when he saw me taking the picture stopped and posed and almost knocked the boy on the bicycle down. He was giving away free samples from Noble Romans Pizza, which was across the street.
 When I got a bit past the bowling alley I turned around and intended to take some more pictures, but after this one, my camera informed me that it needed a new battery. I headed home and did not see what happened when the rain came.
I was worried that we might get a lot of rain Saturday night because the radar was full of yellow and red to our west. However, almost all of it missed us. The city weather station says we got about half an inch. I heard this morning that Kentland got about three. The river kept falling--the rain may have slowed the descent a bit, but did not reverse it. However, the gauge stations at Foresman and Sheldon, Illinois tell a very different story. The rain sent river levels there shooting up.

On Saturday morning I drove up to Wheatfield to pick some blueberries--it is that time of the year again. I was surprised at how awful the corn fields looked. I think I saw one field along the way that looked normal, and it may have looked good only because the part near the road was healthy. Most of the corn was stunted and yellow. There was a lot of standing water in fields and yards. I do not think that Jasper County will be the number one producer of agricultural products for 2015.

Update: Monday morning--we got another half inch of rain. It is a good illustration of the principle that just because some is good, more is not necessarily better.

1 comment:

  1. how did the blueberry picking go?
    I'm hoping to make it up there one day this week. :-)


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