Saturday, July 11, 2015

Fly in and car show

Two of the big events today were the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 828 Annual Fly-in & Pork Chop Dinner and the JC Cruiser Car Show. Both events had good weather. The rain held off until late today and the temperatures were comfortable.

The Fly-in seemed to be very well attended. One of the attractions was the medical evacuation helicopter that sometimes visits Jasper County Hospital.
 They let kids sit inside and most of them were very excited to sit or crawl inside a real helicopter.
Indiana State University had a couple planes there promoting their aviation program. They also let kids sit inside and move the control that made the wing flaps and tail flaps move.
 While we were there these two gyrocopters arrived. They are strange little aircraft.
 The pilot of this flying wing took the women who were hosting the Fair Oaks Farms booth for an aerial view of Renssealer and the surrounding area. I am sure they will remember this day for a long time.
The JC Cruiser Car Show was not at its usual location in Brookside Park. Parts of the field were too wet and the cars would have had to drive over some of those wet parts. Instead it was held a bit further to the east.
 There were lots of interesting old cars and not-so-old cars. Here are a few that predate me.
At 6:00 many of these cars set off for Cruise Night, the subject of another post.

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