Monday, February 15, 2016

23rd Annual Regional High School Art Exhibit.

The annual high school art exhibit was being set up in the lobby of the Core Building when I was looking for an interesting picture or two of the Science Olympiad. (Last year was the 22nd, so this year must be the 23rd.) I was impressed with how many interesting pictures were on display.

Below is a clever adaptation of Edvard Munch's "The Scream" for Halloween. You can find dozens of adaptations of Munch's painting with a Google search and this one is as good as or better than most that pop up.
The picture below seems appropriate for our area of Indiana. I would have titled it "Corn-fed Beef".

In addition to paintings and drawings, there were some sculptures and pottery.

I have a soft spot for tessellations, though there are some differences in the fish heads so technically tiles are not pure tessellations. I doubt if many tessellation artists would color a print in this way.
I also will notice any art that highlights typefaces. The next two portraits are constructed entirely with letters. The students who did them are from South Newton High School.

The use of letters is a type of pointillism.
The exhibit starts Feb 15. If you are in the area, it is worth taking a look at.

1 comment:

  1. Cannot wait to see the exhibit in the Core Building. You certainly selected great pieces. Thanks again for all your stories and pictures.


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