Monday, August 1, 2016

Rock the Arts and more

Jasper the painted buffalo made an appearance at Rock the Arts on Saturday.
 A line of booths were selling various forms of art.
 The stage was impressively large. There were eight different musical arts on the schedule.
 The same stage from the other side.
 There were many pictures of the event on Facebook, most posted on Saturday.

For several days there has been a speed monitor on College. It is sensitive enough to register bikes and in the process of taking the picture above, I had to test it.
 If you came to Rock the Arts via the bowstring bridge, you might have seen the new sign on Renew Salon.
 The restoration of the facade of the old Oddfellows building seems to be complete. The people visiting the bakery are happy about that.
 Last week two dump trucks were hauling dirt from the construction site on Lincoln Street. I asked one of the drivers where they were taking it and he said they were dumping it at the sewage plant west of SJC. He also said it was one of the nastiest cargoes he has hauled. It is muck.
 The construction has brought a lot of truck traffic to the area and the trucks were repeatedly taking out the utility lines over Abagail. I think the low lines are TV Cable and telephone. Finally one of the utilities, I think Century Link, got permission from the city to raise the lines a bit. They also requested that the trucks not use Abagail. I think the folks along Elza are now getting the traffic.
 Several years ago I got a Compass Plant to grow in my yard. This year it has finally flowered. It is one of a dozen or so plants that has yellow daisy flowers. You can see false sunflowers and coneflowers in the background, other yellow daisies.
 There is a less pretty sight (and site) in my garden. The soil is saturated from all the July rains and the wet soil has rotted the roots of cabbages and carrots. They were looking so good at the beginning of the month.
The corn, squash, and sweet potatoes do not seem to mind the wet soil.

Time is flying by--it is already August and the summer will soon be over.

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