Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day 2016

It has been a quiet start to September. With Labor Day it is time for kids to go back to school. Or at least in days gone by it was time for kids to go back to school. Soon many will have no summer vacation at all. Days are getting noticeably shorter, and though we still have some hot and humid weather ahead of us, in a few weeks it will be time to get out some warmer clothing.

There are no city services today. Garbage and recycling pick up for Monday will be done on Tuesday.

The Tuesday night Farmers Markets are finished but the Saturday morning markets continue. I am not quite sure what is ripe in my garden--the mosquitoes are guarding it from all intruders.  Maybe they have even driven the bunnies out.

There were some news items on Facebook last week. Embers has revealed some of their plans for a bistro. You can see the drawing on the eMbers website at Main Street Rensselaer has begun construction of a “Welcome to Rensselaer” sign east of the I-65/SR 114 intersection.

On Sunday morning I went to a sale in the old Donnelly laundry by Iroquois Park. They were selling stuff that had been left when the laundry closed. I asked what was going to go into the building and was told it will soon be Rich's Cycle Solutions, the business that recently was burned out of its location on Walnut Street. The lady doing the sale mentioned that they were also busy cleaning out the Donnelly building next to Pizza Hut. That property may be demolished and developed. There is a Rensselaer BZA meeting on September 13 at 7:00 pm asking for a variance concerning parking. (I have learned that sometimes the legal notices in the paper are the most interesting things in the paper. They tell you what is going to happen or what may happen.) The last Rensselaer BZA meeting was in June and I could not attend. That one approved a rezoning so that the person who owns the Caboose Campground can put in camp sites near where Biggs had a catfish farm, just west of the I 65/SR 114 intersection.

I do not have any pictures other than a few from the construction site of the high rate treatment plant. Last week a vehicle that had a long, extending conveyor belt was placing sand next to the square structure.

 The forms are off the square structure but it appears that more will be added to it.
 The round structure continues to get rebar. In a thousand years people will probably stumble on it and wonder what it was for. With all the concrete and steel being put into it, it is built to last for a long time.
There was water seeping into the pit of the round structure. Even though we have not had rain for about a week, there is plenty of water in the soil and the bottom of the pit is below the water table.

Have a nice holiday and get ready for a busy week. Little Cousin Jasper Festival is only a few days away.

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