Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Updates and meetings (pt 1)

Demolition continues on the old Donnelly building at the corner or College and Kannal. The property changed ownership on Feb 17. If you would like to know more about O'Reilly, the business that will build here, see this entry on Wikipedia.

 Below is a picture taken on Tuesday of the future convenience store for the Marathon gas station by the railroad tracks. Soon the exterior will be finished and there will be no apparent changes as construction continues inside.
 I mentioned a while back that the old Fashion Bug space in the Walmart Mall (what is the name of that mall?) was being subdivided. The smaller part, the northern end, is being chopped into offices.
 I am not sure what the plans are for the other part. I was not expecting any changes, but for over a week people have been working there.
Driving past Remington on Sunday, I noticed that a sign announcing coming construction of Sayler apartments. From the quick glance I got of the sign, it appeared to be similar to the one for the Elza Street apartments.

The Rensselaer Community Garden group had its organizational meeting on Monday night. The operation will be much the same as it was last year. The plots being rented are 20 feet by 20 feet and cost a mere $10. The location is next to the Extension/Surveyor's office on North McKinley (across the highway from the County jail). If you are interested in renting a plot, visit or phone the Extension office.

Last year four plots were cultivated for the food pantry. Over 1000 pounds of produce were given to the food pantry and there was more than they could use. Some of the surplus was given to the jail and some to the police department and in both places it was appreciated. (How did they know that over 1000 pounds were donated? They weighed the harvest before they donating it.) If anyone is interested in helping tend these charity plots as a service project, contact the extension office.

Gardening means spring is coming. I killed three mosquitos yesterday. Flocks of sandhill cranes have been flying overhead and some of the summer birds--robins and killdeers--are coming back. Days are noticeably getting long and the sun is higher in the sky. Some maples are ready to bloom.

In news about Saint Joseph's College, the Alumni Board joined the Student Association and the Faculty Assembly in passing a resolution of no confidence in top administrators and Board members. The resolution refers to one person as a former Vice President--I have not seen a notice of his resignation, but then there is not a lot of information coming from the top at SJC.

The college basketball season is coming to an end. On Thursday the Scharf Fieldhouse will host the last ever SJC basketball games. See the sidebar for information.

Every day there are colleges visiting SJC recruiting transfer students. On March 1 another Transfer Fair is scheduled with about 100 schools registered for the event. (It might be a good event for any area high school seniors or juniors who are doing college searches--if they can get out of school.)

A letter from the College to the Indiana Department of Workforce Development caused a bit of comment recently. It was giving notice of 37 job terminations that will take place on April 17. About half are for athletics with several in admissions, the library, and the development office. What caused comment was this sentence: "While we hope that this action is temporary in nature, unless the report provides a viable option, this action is expected to be permanent in nature." The idea that the College could restart after suspending operations was and is wishful thinking and probably included to keep some options open. The College has no way of paying the debt it has incurred. It stated that it had borrowed against any asset it could use as collateral and spent any part of the endowment it could. Unless some rich alumni make enormous donations, it seems to me that the campus and the adjoining farm lands are destined to soon be owned by Farm Credit.

(Previous reflections on the closing are here and here.)

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