Monday, July 24, 2017

Miscellany, July 24, 2017

There is a new store front in downtown Rensselaer.
The orange sign in the window says that they will appear before the Alcohol Review Board on August 8 at 10:00 at City Hall for a beer retailer and L, B, and W retailer permits. However, they may already have some kind of permit because on the bottom of the form it indicates that the premises are permitted to sell alcoholic beverages. Usually the Alcohol Review Board meetings are quick and uninformative but this one may have some interesting tidbits.

The new auto parts store is open but I have not stopped by yet. Shorty's Marathon by the railroad tracks will have its grand opening on Wednesday with a ribbon cutting at noon. The hours are posted at the eMbers Station.
 We went from much needed rain to too much rain in a very short time. The river will crest at about 10.5 feet if we do not get more rain, but flood stage is 12 feet. The storm that passed through on Friday night shut down the County Fair so some events were postponed until Saturday. I did not have enough energy to go out and see how that worked out.
 A truck took out a power line last week and some of the City suffered a power outage. I had an cable outage at about the same time and it might have been related. The Library had internet problems, but that was from a bad router or switch. The Library also changed the software used to reserve computers so the next time you want to do that, you may need some help.

I noticed that the ash trees in Weston Cemetery are not looking good.
 One of the storms last week knocked down most of an ash tree. The trunk was partially rotten.
 Some idiot has been throwing glass over the fence into the baby pool area at LaRue Pool. The baby pool was closed a couple days last week as a result.

My neighbors have some unwanted plants growing in their parkway. Can you identify what kind of plant it is?


  1. Looks like what my mother called "silver dollar" plant.

  2. Those are called Silver Dollar plants. I used to plant them quite a bit in my dad's flower garden growing up. I've also heard some others call them "indian money" as well.


  3. Lunaria, also called Honesty plant. It blooms purple flowers which produce these interesting seed pods. The seed pods can be dried and used in floral arrangements. They tend to return yearly, or biennially, depending on the variety...some are perennial, and some reseed themselves if left uncut.

  4. There are some plants there with a familiar look....Leaves of three--flee. My guess is some poison ivy..


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