Friday, July 21, 2017

Some more fair pictures

I did not get to the fair as much this year as I have some past years. The heat and humidity discouraged me and I had some other things I wanted to do. I did go out one afternoon and found that nothing much happens until the evening. All the rides were shut down.
This year the midway featured a freak show. The Rensselaer Republican had an article about what was inside.
Animals are a big part of our fair. On Wednesday night pigs were being judged.
The goal of all those who enter pigs, cows, or something else is to win a big ribbon. Below are some of the big winners in the 4-H building.
 On Wednesday night the tractor parade came through the fairgrounds.
The night before it had gone to the Courthouse Square in downtown Rensselaer.
The horse area continues to be its own little world.
Again this year there was a display of insects in the Community Building. The Rensselaer Republican had an article on that as well.
 High winds from the storms that have passed through this week (giving us about and inch and a half of needed rain) did some minor damage at the Fairgrounds.
 The log cabin got air-conditioning this week. This historical area is one area that is active during the day and shuts down in the evening when everything else comes to life.
 I noted a basswood tree next to the log cabin that has been almost defoliated by Japanese beetles. They have been a nuisance this year.
 One more big night and then tear down.

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