Tuesday, February 20, 2018

River rising

My rain gauge says we have had about 3 inches of rain as of about 9:00 am on Tuesday. More is on the way. The Sheriff posted a message saying that the river may crest at about 16 feet, which is three or four feet higher than it is as I write this.

Lake Weston has reformed.
 Water is over the road through Weston Cemetery in several places, including the bridge over the creek.
 There is still plenty of room under the Washington Street bridge. At 16 feet there will not be much.
 Below is the river height from the gauging station at Laird's Landing. 12 feet is flood stage. The river will easily set the daily flow record for February 20.
Pictures tomorrow should be a lot more interesting.

In my last post I mentioned seeing and hearing sandhill cranes. Today I saw another flight of birds and they were neither geese nor cranes. My knowledge of bird sounds was not good enough for me to identify them. Some of the birds seem to think spring is on the way.

If you want to see what happens when the river hits 16 feet, here are some pictures from the most viewed post that this blog has ever had.

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