Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The rain finally stopped

There are two interesting stories this week, the flood and the announcement that the Rensselaer branch of the PNC bank will be closing as of May 18.  The letter I received stated that the branch will "be combined into the nearby Merrillville branch." Who considers a bank office in Merrillville as being nearby?
 I suspect that the remaining five banks in Rensselaer will be getting most of the current customers of PNC. The bank building is very nice; I hope someone will find a good use for it.

The river was still rising midday on Wednesday. In 2015 the river reached the level of 16.74 feet, which seems to be the all-time record. In the next day we should see if this flood beats that record.
The water was almost up to the bottom of the Washington Street bridge.
 College Street was closed just south of the bridge.
 The Maxwell Ditch was flowing over the road in Brookside Park. Reaching the office of Weston Cemetery meant one had to travel out SR 114 to Airport Road, go south to Bunkum, and then come east.
 Potawatomie Park had an island that may disappear when the crest is reached.
 Lake Weston is full and it appears that the hill left from the construction of the high-rate treatment plant is acting as a dyke, keeping the water higher on the river side than on Lincoln Street, which is closed due to water on the road.
 My rain gauge had five and a half inches of rain in it starting Saturday. That seems to be about the same as recorded at the high school weather station. The rain gauge at the downtown weather station was not recording during the past few days.

The weather this winter has created lots of potholes. Perhaps the worst are at the intersection of SR 114 and US 231. You can see the old brick road showing through.
All of SR 114 through town is in bad shape. I have heard that SR 14 from Parr to US 41 is also in horrible shape.

I had planned to attend the County Council meeting on Tuesday night, but the short agenda and the horrible weather convinced me to stay home. So no Council report this month.

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